How Marketing & Sales teams “differ” 🔥 in their perspective and KPIs 📊 ? My thoughts…✍️

Sales Enablement is about aligning Marketing & Sales teams to engage with the empowered B2B Buyer during the research/discovery and pre-sales journey ✨✨

However, there’s a “gap” 🔥 in the way Marketing & Sales teams are structured and measured. Here’s how?

💡 1. Quantity Vs. Quality – Marketing drives quantity to the pipeline while Sales looks at quality leads that are qualified and can be converted at higher win ratio.

💡 2. Funnel Focus – Marketing often focuses on top end of the funnel while Sales focuses on bottom of the funnel.

💡 3. Long term Vs. Short term – Marketing thinks and executes long-term, while Sales thinks short-term and opportunistic.

💡 4. Rules Vs. Deals – Marketing plays by the rules/best practices while Sales is driven by tactics to close deals.

Perhaps, structuring Marketing & Sales as “$ Revenue Team” 💰 or “Sales Enablement” team 🤝 can be a starting point to bridge the above gaps.

In the next post, I will talk about “key elements” 🌈 of Sales Enablement, in more detail…

Do you agree with the “gaps” as stated above? What more could you add to it? 🤔

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You can expect to receive your opportunities – Buyers interested in engaging and buying from your business.

A Dashboard view helps you monitor the progress across the channels/modules you opted. Further, you can use “Refine Criteria” capability to sharpen your ICPs/Buyers focus to enhance the results.

Your CSM will work with our Campaign Team to handle the account setup and provide comprehensive DATA containing key decision-makers, along with custom messaging based on your unique offering and best practices from thousands of experiments.

Our Campaign Team will implement strategy, analyze performance, and provide data-driven experiment recommendations (A/B Testing, Analytics) ensuring optimum results for you.

When you sign-up, you will be guided through the on-boarding process to help us understand your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and Buyers across roles, industries, company size and locations. We include Sales/Account Intelligence to gain deeper insights to prioritize outreach.

You will be assigned a dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM) for a detailed walk-thru of the on-boarding process, deep-dive into platform and strategies to optimize results.

On-boarding to Activation – 1 week or less.