What is the difference between ✨ Sales Productivity vs. Efficiency vs. Effectiveness.✨

👍 Sales productivity refers to the relationship between a salesperson’s efficiency (inputs) and their effectiveness (outputs).

Gains in productivity are achieved by optimizing rep’s efficiency and effectiveness.

👊 Sales efficiency refers to optimizing the use of time.

An efficient rep spends time on high-impact activities like call preparation, as opposed to low-impact activities like administrative tasks.

💪 Sales effectiveness relates to a rep’s ability to drive revenue.

A highly effective rep uses available resources to win customers. Critically, these resources — content, guidance, and training — must be close at hand to close deals.

🌈 The relationship between sales efficiency and sales effectiveness can be plotted on a productivity matrix like the one below.

❌ Bottom Performers – Reps struggle to prioritize revenue driving tasks and are overwhelmed by low impact tasks.

❌ Poor Prioritizers – Reps complete low impact tasks at the cost of revenue driving tasks.

✨ Top Prioritizers – Reps prioritize revenue driving tasks against low impact tasks.

🔥 80 Hour Workers – Reps prioritize revenue driving tasks and low impact tasks leading to long hours and burn-out.

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You can expect to receive your opportunities – Buyers interested in engaging and buying from your business.

A Dashboard view helps you monitor the progress across the channels/modules you opted. Further, you can use “Refine Criteria” capability to sharpen your ICPs/Buyers focus to enhance the results.

Your CSM will work with our Campaign Team to handle the account setup and provide comprehensive DATA containing key decision-makers, along with custom messaging based on your unique offering and best practices from thousands of experiments.

Our Campaign Team will implement strategy, analyze performance, and provide data-driven experiment recommendations (A/B Testing, Analytics) ensuring optimum results for you.

When you sign-up, you will be guided through the on-boarding process to help us understand your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and Buyers across roles, industries, company size and locations. We include Sales/Account Intelligence to gain deeper insights to prioritize outreach.

You will be assigned a dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM) for a detailed walk-thru of the on-boarding process, deep-dive into platform and strategies to optimize results.

On-boarding to Activation – 1 week or less.