- February 28, 2023
- Posted by: Gopal Krishna
- Categories:
✍️ Study revealed that those with formal approaches to “Sales Enablement” performed better overall than those organizations which don’t.
💡 Organizations with a formal sales enablement charter report a 49% win rate which is 12% 📈 higher compared to those without.
💡 Number of reps achieving quota attainment was 35% better 📈 compared to those without.
💡 Organizations with a formal sales enablement charter experienced 15% less turnover 📉 than those without.
In addition to the above, formal Sales Enablement Improves “collaboration and alignment”👏 across the functions.
💡 Among the respondents, those who said they had a formal charter were twice as likely ✅ to engage in formal collaboration than those who said they had an informal vision.
🔥 Respondents also reported that formal collaboration is highly unlikely to occur in organizations with one-off sales enablement projects/initiatives.
I strongly recommend to set-up a formal Sales Enablement charter or engage with a partner who can work as an extended team to enable the same for your organization.
What are your thoughts on the above? ✍️
#Sales #SalesEnablement #B2B #B2BSales #Metrics